Four elevational range extensions of birds of the Western Andes of Colombia and northwestern Ecuador

Palabras clave

Western Andes
range aves
Andes Occidentales

Cómo citar

Winton, R. S. . (2021). Four elevational range extensions of birds of the Western Andes of Colombia and northwestern Ecuador: Cuatro extensiones de las distribuciones elevacionales de aves de la Cordillera Occidental de Colombia y el noroccidente de Ecuador . Ornitología Colombiana, (15), 107–110. Recuperado a partir de


Research suggests that bird elevational ranges may be shifting upslope because of deforestation, habitat fragmentation or climate change. I present observations of four bird species that were encountered at a private reserve in Ecuador more than 300 meters above their known maximum altitudes in Colombia and Ecuador, including two that were recorded at altitudes higher than globally recorded maximums.



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